Cold Prep Ramen

Cold prep ramen is my jam here lately. Just add water, it doesn't have to be hot, and I like to add a little salt and some raw veggies to it.

I typically buy either a bag of shredded carrots, a bag of broccoli and some beef jerky OR mirepoix mix (diced onions, carrots and celery) plus a bag of snowpeas. I'm not homeless, so I have a fridge to store my veggies and this is a few days worth of veggies for me.

Homeless Individuals

If you are on the street yourself and have no means to store anything:
  • Beef jerky keeps well and comes in resealable bags.
  • You could look for fresh veggies in individual serving amounts, like a single corn on the cob. If you don't have a knife to cut the corn off the cob, you can remove the kernels with a plastic fork or just eat it directly off the cob.
  • Alternately, try adding fruit, like slices from a seedless orange or cubed pineapple from a fresh fruit cup.


Cold prep ramen with a choice of veggies is potentially something you could:
  • Serve at a park or other situation where you have tables but no electricity, no running water, etc.
  • Make "brown paperbag lunches" to pass out at a free hot breakfast to get them TWO free meals in a day with minimal overhead for your program.
  • Do once in a while in place of a hot meal to educate the homeless that cold prep ramen works just fine and is a potential means to get a variety of veggies without cooking.
See also: Serving Size